Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Life has been busy busy, not necessarily with what one might expect.

Jane got sick at the international music festival which i wrote about in my journal on the train but haven't posted yet. I spend a day in her friends gorgeous apartment in Casablanca making her fruit smoothies and taking care of her. We dragged ourselves on the train to Rabat and today she went to the doctor while I babysat. This consisted of watching spongebob and marveling at the ridiculously small waists of barbie dollars as I pretended to be one.

Today Laura arrived and I met her at the airport with personalized taxi service.

we decided to rough it a bit more and turned down Khalid's offer to drive us downtown and took the bus. It cost 4 dirhams instead of 250 which was nice. 7 D = 1 dollar by the way. We found the medina, bought cherries on the street on the way there and after a very pitiful attempt to wash them decided that they were probably fine.(sorry mom)

We bartered a bit, drank tea in a tiny room filled with moroccan treasure and traded English lessons for French lessons. Our french isn't great but it getting better.
I bought some cool Moroccan leather shoes for 10 dollars and will probably buy some more before I go since they are so cool.

It's late now, Jane is hanging out with her boyfriend, Laura is asleep and I'm trying to navigate the complicated world of swiss rail passes while talking to Jamie on instant messenger.
We are loving Morocco so far and excited to travel to Marakesh the main tourist destination. Unfortunately it's 50 degrees there, and I mean Celsius. 122 for those of those still thinking in Fahrenheit. We really want to ride camels but just aren't sure if it's a great idea to see the desert at these temperatures.

Hopefully there will be more later, when I'm not so tired, worn out and uncreative in writing.