Saturday, June 28, 2008

email not working hope laura reads this

this isnt really a post, i just couldn't email laura and thought she would read this

janes driver is the sa,e price as a taxi wont rip you off and know where you live and will give you a french lesson if you ask nicely probably:

im sending hi,m i have that your flight arrives at 130 air france 2958 from the email you sent earlier
i will send him according to this new info and if you are there at 130 then it wont be a long wait: i will call him today and check email before you come so let me know if you want to be picked up at 130:
he will cost 20 dollars i think:

i like the leather sandles here but i wouldnt walk 10 miles in them i want some though:

jane asked her family and you can stay on couch
bring teddy grahms if you have a chance as a thank you: she loves them

my phone here that we are borrwing is 011 212 15 20 30 96 from us

015 20 30 96 fro,maroc


mom can you send this to lauras email if you get this soon since my email won't work.
someone just showed me how to change it to an English keyboard now that i've typed some really absurdly bad english.

love cammie