Friday, June 20, 2008

Packing Again!

The email exchanges are fast and furious with itineraries, packing lists, plane reservations, and more.
Laura and I are a little older, a little wiser and a little more prepared for our next adventure. Hopefully it won't mean that an account of the adventures is any less interesting but perhaps it might be a little less frightening for my mom, sitting at home editing my posts.

Over Spring Break I attended Laura's race in Squamish and brought her a book about Women traveling abroad. We started plotting our next adventure. After seriously considering hiking to the top of Roriama in Venezuela we decided due to the political situation and our desire to see a new continent to go to Morocco. We plan to ride camels across the Sahara, marvel at street theater, haggle for rugs, watch snake charmers from a safe distance, hike the Atlas Mountains, go to an international music festival and run and hike enough to keep Laura in top shape for her athletic dreams.

One of my best friends from high school has been living in Morocco for a year and is fluent in French and Arabic and it seemed the perfect time to visit her. My best friend from my time at Pomona College is currently living in Geneva and Morocco to Geneva is a quick flight.
Finally I developed a crush on Galen, a man I met over Spring Break and decided that I might as well agree to tour France on bike with him. Now that we have established that we are only friends I'm hoping that the attraction won't turn into French drama.

After gaining experience in our travels to Peru it seems like packing takes even longer. We are actually planning before we go, arranging for a driver to meet me at the airport, starting my blog with free internet in the comfort of my own home, buying the random things like sleeping pills that were so hard to find in random pharmacies abroad. I'm trying to learn French and Morocco history and thank god Galen knows his way around France so I don't have to figure out a good bike route between Geneva and the South of France where we are visiting his host family from his time living in Switzerland.

Check back for pictures, stories and more soon! I depart Seattle for Casablanca on Tuesday June 24th! Wow.